We at PracticalHost like to give our customers the ability to choose from a variety of settings.
Below is a list of optional server settings for you to choose from when setting up your email client. To use a secure connection, be sure to use the settings marked with "SSL." To learn more about the differences between IMAP & POP, please see the article Imap Vs. POP.
Incoming Server Type Server Name Port options
POP3 w/SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 995
IMAP w/SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 993
SMTP smtp.emailsrvr.com 25, 587, 8025, 2525
SMTP w.SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 465,587, 8025, 2525
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It's possible for users to recover email messages even after they have beenpurged from the Trash...
How to fix slow Outlook IMAP folder synchronization issues
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Microsoft account association / conflict issues and how to resolve
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